Oral Charms in Structural and Comparative Light

Oral Charms in Structural and Comparative Light

Oral Charms in Structural and Comparative Light - Oral Charms in Structural and Comparative Light
Oral Charms in Structural and Comparative Light. Proceedings of the Conference of the International Society for Folk Narrative Research’s (ISFNR)
Committee on Charms, Charmers and Charming. 27–29th October 2011, Moscow / Editors: Tatyana A. Mikhailova, Jonathan Roper, Andrey L. Toporkov,
Dmitry S. Nikolayev. – Moscow: PROBEL-2000, 2011. – 222 p. (Charms, Charmers and Charming.)
ISBN 978-5-98604-276-3

The Conference is supported by the Program of Fundamental Research of the Department of History and Philology of the Russian Academy of Sciences ‘Text in Interaction with Social-Cultural Environment: Levels of Historic-Literary and Linguistic Interpretation’.

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