The Song of Igor's Campaign (Translated by Vladimir Nabokov)

The Song of Igor's Campaign (Translated by Vladimir Nabokov)

The Song of Igor's Campaign (Translated by Vladimir Nabokov) - The Song of Igor's Campaign (Translated by Vladimir Nabokov)
The Song of Igor's Campaign, also translated Lay of Igor's Campaign, Russian Slovo o polku Igoreve, masterpiece of, an account of the unsuccessful campaign in 1185 of Prince of Novgorod-Seversky against the Polovtsy (Kipchak, or Cumans).

As in the great French epic The Song of Roland, Igor's heroic pride draws him into a combat in which the odds are too great for him. Though defeated, Igor escapes his captors and returns to his people.

The was written anonymously (1185–87) and preserved in a single manuscript, which was discovered in 1795 by A.I. Musin-Pushkin, published in 1800.


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