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- -- An Introduction to Paganism:
- -- Are Paganisms religions?
- -- Basic symbols in latvian design
- -- Book of Veles
- -- “Christians! Go home”: A Revival of Neo-Paganism between the Baltic Sea and Transcaucasia (An Overview)
- -- Chthonic aspects of the Pomeranian deity Triglav and other tricephalic characters in Slavic mythology
- -- Contemporary Paganism
- -- Cultural and Language Connections of the Slavs
- -- Dievturība
- -- Eariy slavs in the southwest baltic region: initial investigations in dobropole pyrzyckie (Poland)
- -- Early Slavs
- -- Ethnic nationalism
- -- Finnish Neopaganism
- -- Going Between the Worlds
- -- Gwiazdor
- -- Heathenry (new religious movement)
- -- Herberti De miraculis as a source to the history of religion of western Slavs
- -- How to Reach a Pagan Modern World
- -- Interview with Belojar
- -- Introduction
- -- Jarilo
- -- Koleduvane
- -- Kolyada
- -- Korochun
- -- Mara
- -- Marija Gimbutas: Old Europe, Goddesses and Gods, and the Transformation of Culture
- -- Modern pagans
- -- Mokosh
- -- Morena
- -- Norse mythology
- -- Old-Slavonic Sanctuaries in Czechia and Slovakia
- -- Pagan Studies
- -- Paganism
- -- Paganism
- -- Paganism and Neo-Paganism
- -- Paganism – Mari El
- -- Paganism may be the fastest growing religion in Britain
- -- Pan-Slavism
- -- Perception of Christianity by the Pagan Polabian Slavs
- -- PERUN
- -- Peryn
- -- Polish mythology
- -- Pre-Christian Eastern Slavic Reflections on Nature
- -- Rites of Slavic paganism
- -- Rod
- -- Romuva
- -- Rus’ in the 13th century: the nature of cultural transformations
- -- Russian neopagans move their faith from the fringes
- -- Russian Paganism
- -- Scandinavian Late Viking Age Art Styles as a Part of the Visual Display of Warriors in 11th Century Estonia
- -- Slavic dragon
- -- Slavic languages
- -- Slavic Languages and Slavic Paganism
- -- Slavic Mitra. Benevolent and Legal Pole of the Function of Religious Sovereignty in the Slavic Mythology and Epic
- -- Slavic mythology
- -- Slavic names
- -- Slavic Nationalism : An Overview
- -- Slavic Paganism
- -- Slavic studies
- -- Slavs
- -- Solar symbol of well-being and prosperity
- -- Some peripheral forms of the mediterranean and oriental zodiac traditions in heathen Lithuania
- -- Spring equinox - Maslenitsa
- -- Stonehenge Triangle
- -- Summer Solstice Traditions
- -- Supernatural beings in Slavic folklore
- -- The Church against neo-paganism
- -- ‘The gleaming mane of the serpent’: the Birka dragonhead from Black Earth Harbour
- -- The Kalash people
- -- The Mermaid
- -- The Pagan Federation - Paganism Information Pack
- -- The Problem of Mysteriousness of Baba Yaga Character in Religious Mythology
- -- The Struggle between Paganism and Christianity
- -- The «Veda Slovena» mystery
- -- The Witch
- -- Thor’s Hammers Disguised as Crucifixes
- -- Veles
- -- Vikings in the East: Scandinavian Influence in Kievan Rus
- -- What do Pagans believe in?
- -- What is Paganism?
- -- What is Wicca?
- -- Why Wicca is Not Celtic Paganism?
- -- On Common Ground: World Religions in America Introduction to Paganism
- -- World tree
- -- Zbruch Idol
- - Bookcase
- -- A Complete History of the Druids
- -- An Introduction to English Runes
- -- Christianity and Paganism in Procopius of Caesarea
- -- Mike Dixon-Kennedy - Encyclopedia of Russian & Slavic Myth and Legend
- -- European Paganism: The Realities of Cult from Antiquity to the Middle Ages
- -- Gelsomina Helen Castaldi - Pagan Traces in Medieval and Early Modern European Witch-beliefs
- -- Hedeager Lotte - Iron Age myth and materiality
- -- Professor Kenneth W. Harl - The Vikings
- -- Florin Curta - The Making of the Slavs: History and Archaeology of the Lower Danube Region, c. 500-700
- -- Malcolm Quinn - The Swastika: Constructing the Symbol
- -- Mallory J.P. - In Search of the Indo-Europeans
- -- Measurement of Time by the Ancient Slavs - Roman Zaroff
- -- Michael D. Bailey - Historical Dictionary of Witchcraft
- -- Mindy MacLeod, Bernard Mees - Runic Amulets and Magic Objects
- -- Modern Paganism in World Cultures: Comparative Perspectives
- -- Tatiana Bulgakova - Nanai Shamanic Culture in Indigenous Discourse
- -- Nature and Ethnicity in East European Paganism: An Environmental Ethic of the Religious Right?
- -- Odin, Thor and Freyja: Scandinavian Cult Sites of the 1st Millennium AD and the Frankish Realm
- -- Oral Charms in Structural and Comparative Light
- -- Organized Pagan Cult in Kievan Rus’. The Invention of Foreign Elite or Evolution of Local Tradition?
- -- Pagan Goddesses in the Early Germanic World: Eostre, Hreda and the Cult of Matrons
- -- The Pagan Religions of the Ancient British Isles their nature and legacy
- -- Koptev Aleksandr - Ritual and History: Pagan Rites in the Story of the Princess’ Revenge
- -- Scandinavian Folk Belief and Legend
- -- Martin Syrett - Scandinavian History in the Viking Age
- -- Shaman's costumes
- -- Slavic Pagan World: Compilation by Garry Green
- -- Susan Margeson - Viking
- -- Looijenga T. - Texts and Contexts of the Oldest Runic Inscriptions
- -- The Dyadic Goddess and Duotheism in Nodilo’s The Ancient Faith of the Serbs and the Croats
- -- The Historiography of Normanist and Anti-Normanist theories on the origin of Rus’
- -- The Livs in the antiquity
- -- The Russian Attack on Constantinople in 860.
- -- The Sign of the Witch: Modernity and the Pagan Revival
- -- The Song of Igor's Campaign (Translated by Vladimir Nabokov)
- -- Jiří Dynda - The Three-Headed One at the Crossroad: A Comparative Study of the Slavic God Triglav
- -- Vikings in the east: scandinavian influence in Kievan Rus
- -- Warha Europe vol.2 release
- -- William Harwood - Dictionary of Contemporary Mythology
- - Documents
- -- Our goals and objectives
- -- The ECER Constitution (former WCER)
- -- The Official Statement
- -- Who we are
- - News
- -- Dear member of ECER!
- -- For the first time in Rome the European Congress of Ethnic Religions
- -- Midsummer night
- -- Sad news
- -- The MTR intervenes in Prague at the European Congress of ethnic / ECER religions. The chronicle of four days
- - Sitemap
- Светописи
- Изведы
- Карта сайта
- Книжная полка родновера
- - Афанасьев А.Н. - Русские заветные сказки
- - Агапкина Т.А. - Деревья в славянской народной традиции: Очерки.
- - Алексеев С.В. - Праславяне. Опыт историко-культурной реконструкции
- - Алексеев С.В. - Славянская Европа V–VIII веков
- - Арх. Амфилохий - О древней гривне
- - Аничков Е.В. - Язычество и древняя Русь
- - Авдеев В.Б - Русская расовая теория до 1917 года
- - Белова О.В. - Этнокультурные стереотипы в славянской народной традиции
- - Белова О.В. - Славянский бестиарий
- - Богатырев П.Г. - Народная культура славян
- - Даль В.И. - О поверьях, суевериях и предрассудках русского народа
- - Даль В.И. - Пословицы русского народа. В 2-х тт.
- - Денисова И.М. - Дерево — дом — храм в русском народном искусстве
- - Динцес Л.А. - Дохристианские храмы Руси в свете памятников народного искусства
- - Журавлев А.Ф. - Домашний скот в поверьях и магии восточных славян
- - Милославский П.А. - Древнее языческое учение о странствованиях и переселении душ и следы его в первые века христианства
- - Егор Классен - Древнейшая история славян и славяно-руссов
- - Шахматов А.А. - Древнейшие судьбы русского племени
- - Древнерусские свидетельства о почитании деревьев
- - Данилевский И.Н. - Древняя Русь глазами современников и потомков IX-XII вв (Курс лекций)
- - Петрухин В.Я. - Древняя Русь. Народ. Князья. Религия.
- - Дубровский Н. - Масляница
- - Дудко Д.М. - Матерь Лада. Божественное родословие славян. Языческий пантеон
- - Джаксон Т.Н. - Древнерусские топонимы в древнескандинавских источниках
- - Енуков В.В. - Славяне до Рюриковичей
- - Естественнонаучные представления Древней Руси
- - Никольский Н.М. - Еврейские и христианские праздники, их происхождение и история
- - Фаминцын А.С. - Божества древних славян
- - Фаминцын А.С. - Скоморохи на Руси
- - Флоринский В.М. - Первобытные славяне по памятникам их доисторической жизни.
- - Путилов Б.Н., Чистов К.В. (отв. ред.) - Фольклор и этнография Русского Севера
- - Галкина Е.С. - Тайны Русского каганата
- - Гальковский Н.М. - Борьба христианства с остатками язычества в Древней Руси
- - Гельмольд - Славянская хроника